Court Rules Samsung Galaxy Tab Does Not Infringe on the Design for the iPad - Trix And Life

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Court Rules Samsung Galaxy Tab Does Not Infringe on the Design for the iPad

                                        Court Rules Samsung Galaxy Tab

A ruling has been handed down in the monumental patent-infringement lawsuit between 
Apple and Samsung. For the most part the U.S. court ruled in Apple's favor, but not when it came to tablet design.
While Apple argued that the Galaxy Tab was too close in design to the iPad, the jury did not agree.
That doesn't mean that this ruling will have no effect on tablet users, however. The jury did decide that Samsung's smartphones and tablets have software that infringes on three of Apple patents, including one on pinch-to-zoom. This means that Samsung -- and Google -- are either going to have to modify the way the Android operating system works or license Apple's patents.
The U.S. jury ruled that Samsung has to pay Apple $1.05 billion, and, because the jury decided that Samsung had willfully infringed, the judge in the case could double or even triple the award. Still, that's a small percentage of the profits Samsung has raked in in recent years from smartphone sales.
And the legal wrangling is far from over. Apple has indicated it intends to appeal the parts of this decision that went against it, including the portion related to tablet design.
View the original article here

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