How To Make Money Online What To Do? Things You Should Not Do To Make Money Online! - Trix And Life

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

How To Make Money Online What To Do? Things You Should Not Do To Make Money Online!


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checkgreen  The more you learn, the more you earn! Learn as much as you can, as often as you can!

checkgreen  Making money online is a business not a get rich quick scheme. Be prepared to work!
checkgreen  If your going to build an online business be persistent with your efforts. Do not think set and forget! Think to yourself what can I do to make more money with my Internet business? Then be like Nike and just do it:)
checkgreen Mindset is everything: If you think you can achieve great things, and you truly believe it, good things will come!
checkgreen  There is no such thing as a magically money tree! If that was the case I would have a greenhouse planted inside and outside of my house! You are going to have to work to create your personal money tree!
checkgreen  Making money online is not for the lazy! If you do not have the motivation, persistence, and a never give up attitude, then making money from home may not be for you!
checkgreen Do not quit your day job until you have a big nest egg built up in case something bad happens! You always want to have a consistent income coming in. If you quit your job because you made a few bucks on the Internet, and the money dries up, you are going to be in one hell of a predicament!
Make sure you have the means or money stashed aside to get you through the bad times if you are able to make a go at making money online full time. Just be smart! It is always an option to keep your 9 to 5 while running an Internet business on the side! 2 incomes is better than one, if that is the route you decide.
checkgreen  Pick a niche that is profitable, and a niche that you are interested in. This will make it 10 times easier to succeed if you actually enjoy what you are doing!
checkgreen Invest in an internet marketing training course it can shed years off of your learning curve, and have you making money online a lot quicker then you ever though possible!
checkgreen Make a daily to do list so you are not wasting countless hours online checking emails, hanging out on Facebook, and not getting anything accomplished!
checkgreen  Join a popular make money online – internet marketing forum like the Warriorforum, and ask questions from experienced marketers who have been there, and done that. This can cut years off of your learning curve as well. P.S. You might also make a few good business connections, and friends in the process.
checkgreen  Set time goals – If you are only going to spend a few hours on the computer that day working on your Internet business stick to that goal! Balance life with work. I have been guilty of spending many a long night working on my business, when I should of said enough is enough. If it is time to turn off your computer and focus on other tasks just do it, you will be happier in the long run.
checkgreen You do not have to be perfect – I am not perfect! I may have put a few commas where they do not belong, and you know what? I do not care! And neither should you! This is not an English class for all you grammar Nazis out there.
Get your point across, offer something of value, and just get it out there! Just do the best you can! You will not make any money online being perfect, because you never will be! We are all humans and we make mistakes.
Embrace that concept, and your readers will appreciate you for that! Did I put a comma in the wrong place oops lol iconsmile
checkgreen  Be a leader not a follower
checkgreen Slow and steady wins the race. Do not overwhelm yourself by doing to many things at once! Produce great quality content, products, and services and your business will thrive!
checkgreen Start an email list a.s.a.p this is the single best thing that you can do for your online business. The money is in the email list trust me. I am speaking from years of experience, and a 13k list. I use Aweber they are the best in the business!
checkgreen  If your going to be blogging produce longer posts with high quality content for maximum results. I like to write blog posts of at least 1000 words because they are higher quality, and more likely to be shared, and spread around the Internet. This creates a viral effect of more backlinks pointing at your blog for maximum seo benefits, and more traffic coming to your blog from outside sources. Traffic equals money online:)
checkgreen Money is not everything – Balance your work with your social life so you are not glued to your computer all the time. This goes back to writing your daily to – do list. If you can only do an hour online one day it is better than nothing, you are still moving your business forward, and that much closer to making more money online.
checkgreen Do not use free blogging platforms like blogger for example and try to run a full time business with it. This is a big, big mistake! You never put your business in an outside parties hands, they can ruin you in the blink of an eye. Start a blog, or website and pay for hosting so you are actually running a real business that you control.
Here is a link to the webhost I use I suggest you use it put the code “1cent” in the box when you are checking out to grab your first month of webhosting for a penny!
Note: I have been a customer of Hostgator for 4 years. They are truly a class act, and a great webhost!

checkgreen Do not waste hours of your time on useless traffic like buying fake clicks in bulk online for a few bucks they are scams.

checkgreen Do not waste hours of your time clicking other peoples links on traffic exchanges. Traffic exchanges are low quality traffic sites that will not make you any money online. How do I know this will not make you any money online? I tried them my first few years of being online trying to make money when I did not know better.
checkgreen  Do not try to buy thousands of low quality backlinks pointing at your site this will only hurt your rankings in the search engines. Google is not stupid they know when unnatural linkbuilding is going on and they will penalize your site for it, and you will be out a few bucks to boot!
***** Manual linking to quality high pagerank sites will always work to make your sites more money by giving them a bump in the search engine rankings.*****
checkgreen  Do not jump around from business opportunity, to business opportunity.
Find a good way to make money online like what I do affiliate marketing and stick to your goals. You can move on to other aspects of making money online once you have a profitable business set up, and producing you a nice revenue.
To Find Out How To Make Money Online Check Out My Training Course. It Is The Price Of A Cheap Pizza, And It Will Teach You A Ton!
I made my training affordable to everyone it was priced much higher a few months ago:)
I would love to hear your comments below if you have anything to add to this post feel free!

Categories: Affiliate Marketing Training, Blogging Money, How To Make Money Online What To Do?, Internet Marketing Training Videos, Make Money Online Training  Tags: Affiliate Marketing Lessons, Affiliate marketing training course, How to make money online training, How To Make Money Online What To Do, internet marketing lessons, Internet marketing training course, Make money online training course, Things You Should Not Do To Make Money Online
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