Paths of a Web Designer - Trix And Life

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Paths of a Web Designer


There is so much within the realm of Web Design. HTML Design Layout Programming Administration XML Graphics and much, much more...
No matter where you are along the path of Web design, there is sure to be something more for you to learn and grow. But how do you decide where to go next? Luckily, there are many different paths you can take and review, whether you are brand new to HTML and Web design or have been writing programs and DHTML for years.
Once you've got the basics of HTML down, you can move down the path to Advanced HTML. Advanced HTML includes tables and frames, DHTML, and Cacacading Style Sheets. There are more advanced scripting tools available to the advanced HTML programmer. Plus, you might want to learn more about cookies and updating your site with mutimedia.
Once you're an expert of basic HTML and advanced HTML, you'll have a lot of the skills you need to move into Web development as a career. But there the path forks. You can choose design or programming. It's also possible to do both.
Advanced HTML
Professional Web Designers focus a lot on the look and feel of Web pages. Many, if not most Web designers work as contractors or for contract design firms. This means that a lot of their focus needs to be on contracts, legal issues, and what to charge. But in order to get contracts, designers need to know how to create good layouts, write or manage excellent content, and then promote and market both themselves and the sites they create.
Professional Web Designers
Professional Web Programmers focus on the unseen part of Web pages. Things like the CGI, scripts, and programs that make Web sites work. Plus programmers work on the servers and keep them up and running. They manage the security of Web sites and Web pages. Web programmers often implement and manage content management systems and e-commerce portals. Being a Web programmer is often less glamourous than a Designer, but it is just as important a role.
Professional Web Programmers
XML is the next step in Web design and development. Many Web programmers move from standard Web programming into XML programming, and there are a lot of directions you can take within XML. Whether you want to focus more on multimedia and SMIL or you want to post documents for wireless devices with WML or XHTML Basic, XML is where that programming starts.
XML Developers
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