Do You Need to Have a Brilliant Idea or be in the Mood to Write in Order to Sit Down and Create an Article? - Trix And Life

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Do You Need to Have a Brilliant Idea or be in the Mood to Write in Order to Sit Down and Create an Article?

                                                                No, you absolutely do not.

The only thing stopping you from creating words out of thin air is that your fingers are not moving yet on the keyboard.
My best articles that I have published on the web are almost never what I would say where my most inspired articles.
You CAN force your brain to create on demand. This can be done using limitations, deadlines, and incentives.
For example, sit down at your computer and mandate:
“I cannot get up from this chair for any reason until I have produced my next 3 article titles, and published the articles that go with them on my websites.”
If you are interested in ever eating, sleeping, or using the bathroom again, then your brain will get to work very quickly at this point.
Part of the problem at times can be perfectionism. We want to write a truly awesome article, or we want it to be just perfect.
Don’t bother with that! Just start writing. Grab your keyword list and start cranking out material. If you do this every single day for a year straight, then guess what? Some of your stuff that you publish will be awesome. Some of it, not so much.
Give yourself permission to create content, and let it stand on its own. If you are knowledgeable about your topic then none of it should be too terrible.
The goal of course is always to maintain a certain level of quality with our websites, but that does not mean that everything that you publish has to feel like one of your best works. By definition, it never could.
Saying that you don’t want to write because “you are just not feeling creative” is a terrible excuse.
Creativity creates itself.
Creativity flows from action.
Start moving your fingers on the keyboard and content will come into existence. Don’t judge the quality of it until you have pounded the keys for 20 or 30 minutes. Don’t beat yourself up because you don’t feel the “flow” right now.
Creativity will come to those who take action. Move your fingers on the keyboard.
Stop judging your output so harshly and give yourself permission to start creating.
If you do not want to write, then blame it on laziness. Your brain will be creative if you tell it to be. Your brain will be creative if you sit down and start typing and impose some deadlines on yourself.
Do not fall into the trap of believing that your creativity is temporarily gone, so you cannot write anything today. You have mistaken that state of mind for laziness!
Now, go forth and create!
View the original article here

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